Monday, October 30, 2017

Potting Lemon Verbena Plants to Bring Indoors for Winter

My Lemon Verbena life primarily involves growning plants outdoors. But many gardeners grow Lemon Verbena in pots, and want to bring them indoors every fall. Here's a good video showing how to prepare your plants for the best indoor growth.

If you've grown Lemon Verbena in the garden, it's possible to pot it up to over-winter in a sunny window indoors. Another option is to pot it up and keep it in a garage, basement or storage area that stays above 20 degrees or so. 

Lemon Verbena can tolerate freezing, meaning 32 degrees Fahrenheit, but the roots will usually die off between 10 and 20 degrees Fahrenheit. That's the risk I take each year when I leave potted plants outdoors, with leaves piled around them. Some live, some die. 

Every Spring I look forward to discovering the live plants when tiny leaves begin to appear at the base of the main stem. 

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